

This takeoff on Mad Libs mixes words for hilarious results.


1. Compile a few short mystery stories (look to kids' mystery books for inspiration). Copy or type out each tale, leaving several key words blank, such as a noun, a verb or an exclamation. Note above each space the type of word to be filled in.

2. Kids can take turns soliciting verbal entries to fill in the blanks and then read them aloud.



The spoon game

supppiles needed

  • spoon
  • deck of cards

one spoon less the # of players so if six are playing youhave 5 ect. place the spoons at the top of stairs, end of hallway ect.

take the deck of cards shuffle them each player gets 4 cards the deck will then be passed to the dealers right the point is toget4 of a kind so you draw one if its not one you need the place it in the middle and start a new pile when someone gets 4 of a kind he/she books it to the spoons and everyone follows the person to not get a spoon is out and you countinue until 1 persons out

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